Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Gaffer, the other white meat!

So I won some Gaffer glass a year ago at the Eugene Class School Flame off. I set it in vase next to my torch and never played with it. I told myself that I just didn't have enough of the colors to really play with or risk the mix up with my 104 glass. Last week I found my self on a trip so close to Kent Washington that I had to stop in and fill out my color pallet. So now I have more then enough. My next question was how will I keep it separated? Well check this out...These trays are stove burner covers in a rectangle shape, I got them for .49 cents each at a local thrift shop! They are the perfect size. Then I zip tied some cooking cooling racks in a stack to use as a mini shelf system. This will make it easy to play..

1 comment:

  1. PERFECT...

    have a great week Nancy....
    home for a few than back to Kent to help the girls w/ Lynnwood show....
