Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The most valuable beads.

These beads are made with cremains. I know it is a difficult thing to understand when someone is in need of a bead made of cremains. To have a bead to touch and fiddle with for support of your loss is a different concept. I have been asked several times if I make them. The answer is yes. It is a very private and emotional thing for both the person making the request and for me the Artist.  These beads are of my best friend, my Carly. She was an amazing bicolor Sheltie whom I miss dearly.  Contact me at Frzbedog@comcast.net  and yes, Carly was Frzbedog


  1. My sisters and I discussed doing this to remember our mom by. I'm not sure why we didn't in the end - maybe it was just too hard to think of her that way so soon after her passing. It's a tough time to make any decisions, so I would encourage people to consider it ahead of time.

  2. I understand so very much. It is a very personal thing to have. Some people will never understand the need for a token of such a personal time. It only takes a very small amount, less then 1/8 teaspoon of ashes. I also request a letter about the person, favorite story, favorite trait. After I feel like I know a little about who I am working with I then can make up a special token to send back. I know it is a hard thing to decide to have, it is also a very emotional token to make.
